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Intuitive Healer & Author
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Yes to Joy!

We possess untapped potential to access increased happiness and fulfillment in our daily lives. Affirming the phrase Yes to Joy and activating the intentions and methods to actualize it are my overarching life goals.  It is also what I desire for others. I write, teach and conduct intuitive healing reading sessions to help people clear energetic blocks, access their true high-vibration energy and vitality and ultimately live their passions and experience more joy.

My fundamental aim is to help people manifest a deeply purposeful and joyful life.

The experience of Joy exists in the present moment. With intuitive healing readings I help individuals be more present. I help them release negative energy from their energy fields so they gain more clarity, validation and empowered control of their lives.

Via workshops and classes as well as the articles I post here on my blog, I gently guide people through the ways in which they can manifest the joyful, meaningful, purposeful, peaceful, inspired, abundant, love and light-filled life that is their birthright.

I write from my heart space. The heart is the temple of oneness and wholeness. I write to connect with and to share light.

Intuitive readings emanate from my intuitive space. The intuitive space is the temple of knowledge. I analyze each client’s energy space and guide them to examine their emotions, thoughts and beliefs. As the energy space is cleared, the client will access insight for the highest good, and subsequently be guided to take action. After each session, the client is empowered and connected to their higher self on a deeper level.

I am thrilled that we have found each other here.

As within, so without…

- Luna

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Luna Göknar

Dr. Luna M. Göknar is a cultural anthropologist, published author and intuitive healer. She has a Ph.D. degree in Social Anthropology from The University of Cambridge. She is certified as an intuitive healer and intuitive healing teacher by the School of Intuitive Greater Healing (SIGH) in Los Angeles. Her book, Ac​hieving Procreation, based on field research on infertility and reproductive technologies, was published by Berghahn Books in 2015. 

 She currently teaches anthropology and gender classes.


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